Sharqe Block Factory In Qatar |
Sharqe Block Factory
P.O. Box: 1697 Doha,Industrial Area |
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SBF is one of the first concrete block factories in Doha Qatar; our company is specialized as one of the lead brick manufacturer. The company was r...[Read More]
Sharqe Block Factory nan |
SBF is one of the first concrete block factories in Doha Qatar; our company is specialized as one of the lead brick manufacturer. The company was renowned in 2014for its purchase of ‘The Quadra fully automatic concrete block machin...[Read More] |
P.O. Box: 1697 Doha |
Keywords: sharqe block factory company...+32
sharqe block factory sharqe block factory company in Qatar sharqe block factory in Qatar sharqe block factory in Doha Qatar sharqe block factory company in Doha Qatar sharqe block factory in Doha sharqe block factory company in Doha Contact details of sharqe block factory Contact details of sharqe block factory company Contact details of sharqe block factory in Qatar Contact details of sharqe block factory company in Qatar Contact details of sharqe block factory in Doha Qatar Contact details of sharqe block factory company in Doha Qatar Contact details of sharqe block factory in Doha Contact details of sharqe block factory company in Doha telephone no of sharqe block factory telephone no of sharqe block factory company telephone no of sharqe block factory in Qatar telephone no of sharqe block factory company in Qatar telephone no of sharqe block factory in Doha Qatar telephone no of sharqe block factory company in Doha Qatar telephone no of sharqe block factory in Doha telephone no of sharqe block factory company in Doha branches of sharqe block factory email address of sharqe block factory email address of sharqe block factory company email address of sharqe block factory in Qatar email address of sharqe block factory company in Qatar email address of sharqe block factory in Doha Qatar email address of sharqe block factory company in Doha Qatar email address of sharqe block factory in Doha email address of sharqe block factory company in Doha Categories:Block MFRS |
Video Photo Gallery About Us SBF is one of the first concrete block factories in Doha Qatar; our company is specialized as one of the lead brick manufacturer. The company was renowned in 2014for its purchase of ‘The Quadra fully automatic concrete block machine’. We manufacture good and high quality concrete blocks; we are certified by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. We are committed in the construction services of consistent quality that conform fully with the company, statutory requirements and in our client’s documented and implied expectations in terms of technical, and time compliance. We are dedicated in the continuous review, development and improvement of all aspects of its business, in particular. The development and improvement of the company’s construction services is in line with client’s needs and expectations. We strive to develop an efficient and effective quality system and adhere to generally accepted best practices in the management of construction projects; we have a system which not only ensures the consistency of our construction quality but also priorities evolution, training and development of our employees in order to meet the client’s expectation. Brick qualityWe are committed in the construction services of consistent quality that conform fully with the company, statutory requirements and in our client’s documented and implied expectations in terms of technical, and time compliance. We are dedicated in the continuous review, development and improvement of all aspects of its business, in particular. The development and improvement of the company’s construction services is in line with client’s needs and expectations. We strive to develop an efficient and effective quality system and adhere to generally accepted best practices in the management of construction projects; we have a system which not only ensures the consistency of our construction quality but also priorities evolution, training and development of our employees in order to meet the client’s expectation. Occupational health, safety & Environment:Our Company believes that NO JOB OR TASK IS MORE IMPORATANT THAN WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY. If a job represents a potential safety or health threat, every effort will be made to plan a safe way to complete the task in a safer manner. Every procedure must be a safe one. Shortcuts in safe procedures either by management or any other associates will not be tolerated. If a worker observes any unsafe or unprotected exposure, which may pose a potential threat to his safety & health, he/she must bring it to immediate management notification. We respect the surrounding community and thus control the environment health hazards arising from operations and events of construction activities at our factory. If a job cannot be done safety it will and should not be done. SBF brick logisticsWell recognized for its reliability for delivering high volumes on times brick is committed to delivering service excellence; every employee is entitled to a safe and healthy place at work. The company has its own objectives:
InfrastructureOur company is fully supported by technically advanced manufacturing machine; we have installed all the latest machinery and furnaces required for the manufacturing of product that can meet the demand of the client; we are able to fulfill the precise demands of the client with accuracy and that too within the stipulated time frame and the company’s reputation for its ability to accurately and consistently deliver in excess of 55000 bricks per day, 16,000,000 per year, it’s well recognized by the construction industry , that our company makes different kinds of bricks the size is 8” 6” 4” solid 4” Hollow 8” horde block and other sizes as required by the contractor. Sharqe Block Factory
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